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Bulk SMS Marketing - SMS Reminders - SMS Integration
Australian owned & operated since 2014
Integrate with our super powerful SMS gateway
We have a very simple but powerful SMS API to integrate SMS with your software.
We have both REST (recommended) and old school HTTP
Below are some of the things you can do
Send & Receive Individual messages
If you're wanting to build appointment reminders or any kind of 2-way SMS communication in to your software, you can hit our API to send the outbound message and then when we receive a reply we can either pass that reply to your website via an HTTP GET webhook or you can hit our API every few minutes with the same username and password that you used to send and we will pass back any new replies since you last checked.
If you hit our API for replies, we include the end user's mobile number, date/time they replied and the message text in either JSON or a simple, standard csv compatible format.
Once you have retrieved a reply message, we mark it as retrieved our end so that we don't show it to you again.
However we also allow you to check for replies for a given period and/or for a given mobile number regardless of whether you have previously retrieved the data or not.
For example you can check the last 7 days or you can specify a date range with or without an end user's mobile number.
Scheduling an SMS
You can pass us the date and time in a field and we will handle queuing the message at our end so that you don't need to build message queueing logic your side.
If you make a mistake, you can delete a scheduled message up to 5 minutes before the send time using our 'delete' function.
You can also modify the send date/time, message text or originator using our 'modify' API function.
Bulk SMS Campaigns
If you are sending the same message to a lot of people, we allow you to send up to 1,000 mobile numbers per POST.
You'll need to provide us with a reference ID so that we can group messages for the same campaign together.
This way you could hit us 100 times with 1000 numbers in each post all with the same reference ID and you would have transmitted a campaign to us with 100,000 recipients in just a few seconds.
We will automatically remove any duplicates and refund any credits for those duplicates.
We also automatically wash your numbers against our Optout database. If any of the numbers in your campaign are previously opted out, we will not send to them and refund credits for any attempted send to an opted out number.
As above, you can delete the campaign with a single API call if you make a mistake.
Lists & Campaigns to Lists
You can add lists to our system via our Lists API
You can add or remove individual numbers
You can also send SMS campaigns to stored lists. For example, you could have a stored list with 50,000 up-to-date numbers in it. Then hit us with one API hit to tell us to send an SMS message to that List ID. All 50,000 mobiles get the message.
Checking Credit Balance
You can hit our credit check API with your username and password and we'll respond with your credit balance.
Add credits
Approved clients can add credits to their sub-accounts via an API call and we will bill the parent account at the end of the month for all top ups in the previous month.
This allows your software to top clients up automatically whenever they get low or offer your client a 'top up' page/section in your software for instant top-ups.
You can use us as your optout database.
When you send any SMS's via our platform, we wash every message against our optout database and prevent you from sending to opted out numbers.
You can add or remove a mobile number from our database via our SMS API as well as retrieve a list of all opted out numbers any time.
We're here to help you every step of the way so please contact us any time if you need any assistance.
API Documentation
Click on your preferred API below for the relevant documentation